How To Add Google Toolbar To Firefox 5

OK, so it seems that Google has no plans to upgrade the Google Toolbar to work with Mozilla Firefox version 5. Which is a shame because lot’s of Internet Marketers, myself included, have got used to some of the functionality that the Google Toolbar provides.

So, I invested a fair bit of time looking for a relatively easy fix.

I discovered that some people are suggesting installing the Add-on Compatibility Reporter that allows you to use add-ons that have not yet been approved as compatible with the latest version of Firefox. Obviously, you do this at your own risk as there may be a good reason for them not to be approved.

However, that didn’t work for me so I had to dig deeper…

There’s a very easy fix that involves editing a specific “install.rdf” file

But first you need to find it. Simply follow the filepath below:

C:Users | [yourusernamehere] | AppData | Roaming | Mozilla | Firefox | Profiles | [sometexthere].default

You’ll find a number of different folders and each one should contain an “install.rdf” file.

Open each file with a text editor and look for the following block of text and simply change whatever number is there (for example 3.6) to 6. Be sure to save the file before closing.

Then all you need to do is restart Firefox and your Google Toolbar should be enabled.